As we prepare to re-open, we want to keep you informed of the changes we are making to the way we will conduct a consultation and your treatment at IBCcare.
For the time being, we are only seeing in person those who have acute pain or those who would otherwise rely on NHS services to access essential help for their pain. Our intention is to ease some of the burden currently faced by the NHS.
Here is how it will work:
1. For the time being, you will have a pre-treatment remote video consultation prior to your first Face-to-Face visit. We are happy to arrange that at a convenient time for you on either a Monday or a Wednesday – please see available times below. We will have a 20 minute chat via a secure online video consultation which will give us enough time to gather the necessary information about your current complaint. This first step will also serve to reduce the amount of time that you are in clinic with us.
2. After the pre-treatment video consultation, and prior to your coming to the practice, you will be asked to fill in TWO FORMS which will be sent to you together with your Face-to-Face appointment confirmation.
a. Triage form
b. Consent form
3. On the day of your Face-to-Face appointment (20-30 mins) we will check your temperature and ask you to confirm that are not experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms such as a high temperature or a new, continuous cough. Knowing what your complaint is prior to the Face-to-Face visit will allow us to commence straight away with 20-30 mins of active examination and treatment.
Because we are leaving extra time between patients, we will be seeing far fewer people each day. And, as mentioned, we are limiting these spots to those in greatest need.
For now, our opening times will be:
Pre-treatment online consultation (compulsory prior to the first Face-to-Face consultation)
Monday & Wednesday: 11am – 6pm
Face-to-Face consultation
Tuesday & Thursday: 11am – 6pm
Once you have done a pre-appointment online video consultation, you will be able to book Face-to-Face treatment.
The prices are as follows:
For New Patients
Pre-treatment online consultation (20 mins) and Face-to-Face treatment (20 -30 mins) – £140
For Returning Patients
Pre-treatment online consultation (20 mins) and Face-to-Face treatment (20 -30 mins) – £120
Once you book your appointment via our online system or via our reception service, we will kindly ask you to pay for your treatment before coming into the practice. This will remove the need to touch the card reader after treatment. We are sure you will agree that- even with the rigorous cleaning practices we are implementing- the more steps we can put into place to make sure that you come into contact with the fewer surfaces, the better.
We will soon release the date when our booking system for Face-to-Face appointment will reopen.
Thank you for your understanding regarding the changes that we are having to put into place.
If you have any questions, please write to , or call us on 020 7792 4499 and we’ll be happy to help.