Holistic Massage Treatment

What to Expect

Massage therapy is a popular hands-on manual therapy, which essentially works on many physiological levels in the body. Through experiencing a massage, you may be choosing to address some pre-existing musculoskeletal concerns or perhaps you are aware of the benefits regular treatment has on the maintenance of your well-being.

Working on the soft tissues of the body using a combination of pressures and movements, massage therapy can be an asset to your health and especially when considered alongside other therapeutic modalities such as Osteopathy, Nutritional Therapy and exercise.

At your initial treatment, a consent form will be required to be filled in and a full case history consultation will be taken by your therapist. This will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes depending on your situation. This is something to consider when you decide whether to book a 60 minute or 45 minute treatment. This is an important part of the treatment.  It enables your therapist to get an accurate picture of your current state of health, rule out any possible contraindications which could affect your treatment and allows the treatment to be tailored specifically for you. Follow-up treatments generally require just a few minutes update.

If you have any specific medical conditions, injuries, taking medication, had recent surgery of any kind or you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant you must inform your therapist. If you are unsure whether a particular treatment is suitable for a particular condition you have, please email me or request a call back so we can discuss this before you book. Occasionally it may be that your GP’s consent in the form of a letter may be required before you can have treatment.