At IBCcare, we take a very personalised approach to treatment. Our first task is to conduct a physical assessment to determine exactly what is causing your shoulder pain or discomfort.
Osteopathy is a gentle, hands-on treatment for shoulder pain. Osteopathy uses a variety of techniques to alleviate muscle and tendon tension. We will match the pressure of massage and muscle manipulation to your pain tolerance.
Our aim is to get you back on the road to recovery, enjoying the activities you love doing without discomfort. Together we’ll look at your lifestyle factors and identify the potential activities or triggers for your pain and work out a comprehensive recovery plan, including appropriate exercises you can do at home in between osteopathy appointments.
IBC Care – in the heart of Harley Street area – 9 Upper Wimpole Street, London.
Call 020 7792 4499 to book your appointment or use our online booking service.