August is Gastrointestinal Awareness Month.
Watch Dr Bramati talking about GUT: A HOLISTIC APPROACH.
About Dr Iona Bramati:
Dr Iona Bramati is an Osteopath and Naturopath (functional Medicine Approach) and director of IBCcare clinic in London. She sees a variety of patients in all age groups using cranial, structural and visceral osteopathic techniques in a holistic manner, aiming to re-establish good health.
She is also an University Lecturer and an international speaker at a large number of osteopathic colleges and conferences in the UK and Europe and was awarded the Elsevier/International Conference on Advances in Osteopathic Research New Researcher Prize at ICAOR 10 in Brazil for her research in treating autistic children with visceral osteopathic techniques.
Watch her talk now!
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