IBC Care offers general osteopathy, osteopathic care of pregnant women & children and visceral osteopathy.
Cranial osteopathy is a subtle type of osteopathic treatment that may help the release of stresses and tensions accumulated in the body.
The body of a woman goes through several changes during pregnancy. Osteopathic treatment may help the body to adapt and make the pregnancy much more comfortable.
Osteopathic treatment using the cranial approach is very gentle, safe and effective in the treatment of babies and children.
Visceral Osteopathy
Visceral osteopathy is used to optimise blood and lymphatic supply to the internal organs.
IBCcare is open for regular treatments! Book now!
IBC Care – in the heart of Harley Street area – 9 Upper Wimpole Street, London.
Call 020 7792 4499 to book your appointment or use our online booking service.