Dear friends and patients,
We hope that you and your family are managing to stay safe and healthy during this unprecedented time. Covid-19 has had a significant and unpredicted impact on all of our lives but, alongside this, has brought out an amazing sense of community and in some ways served to strengthen our emotional connections with our families and friends.
Through this ongoing situation, we at IBCcare are here to support you. We are currently providing online consultations for new and existing patients and will continue doing so until we are safe to reopen our doors to you. Watch the explanatory video below for detail on how we can assist you online.
The UK is now moving into the next phase in our fight against coronavirus and we all play an important part in staying alert to control the virus and helping to save lives. In line with the government’s cautious easing of the lockdown, we at IBCcare are starting to prepare to reopen the practice.
Our primary objective is to keep our patients safe: we will only restart Face to Face appointments when all safety protocols are in place. We are following guidance from The Department of Health and Social Care as well as from our professional bodies- the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC) and the General Council and Register of Naturopaths (GCRN).
We are working hard behind the scenes to implement the procedures that will make treatment in person possible. To comply with the Osteopathic Practice Standards, Dr Bramati is attending courses in Infection Control and in the correct use of PPE.
We look forward to welcoming you to the Practice as soon as Public Health England gives us the green light.
In the meantime, please stay safe and do contact us in case you need additional help to book an online consultation.
IBC Care is offering online consultations.
Online consultations allow you to contact Dr Bramati directly and get her specialist advice.
At IBC care we use a secure online system which will allow us to talk directly: you can ask questions, report symptoms and get specialist recommendations.
You can book by calling our landline number: 02077924499 or you can use our online booking service.
Watch the video presentation below!
Check out our Remote Consultations page to know more!
- Consultations tailor-made for each patient
- Follow-up treatment guidance for existing patients
- Advice for paediatric patients
- Consultations on an Osteopathic Approach to Autism
- Naturopathic/Functional Medicine advice