An Osteopathic Approach to Autism by Dr Iona Bramati PhD, BSc (Hons) Ost Med, DO, ND – Osteopath & Naturopath – the only professional in the world with a PhD on low-invasive form of manual intervention that showed a significant and important impact on the quality of life and wellbeing of autistic children who suffer from gastrointestinal complaints.
(Please note the intervention does not claim to cure autism nor its comorbidities.)
The needs of autistic individuals vary according to where they fall within the autistic spectrum. Some individuals require a wider range of support than others.
Research points out that 75% of children with autism may present with GI symptoms, such as abdominal distension, pain, constipation and chronic diarrhoea.
After more than 20 years of studies and research, Dr Iona Bramati PhD has developed a unique, holistic non-invasive method of intervention aiming to support autistic children with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Her unique method aims to support quality of life and wellbeing of autistic children who suffer from gastrointestinal complaints.
Dr Bramati was awarded a PhD in recognition of her work on the ‘Effectiveness of Visceral Osteopathic Treatment on Gastrointestinal Indicators and Behaviour Patterns in Autistic Children; Using Questionnaire and Biochemical Markers to Measure Outcomes’. Her PhD was awarded by the University of Westminster in collaboration with King’s College Hospital, endorsed by the National Autistic Society (NAS).
At IBC Care Dr Bramati PhD sees a wide variety of patients with a particular interest in paediatrics and autistic children.
Autism support clinic & research
IBC Care – in the heart of Harley Street area – 9 Upper Wimpole Street, London.
Call 020 7792 4499 to book your appointment or use our online booking service.