As the lockdown measures are easing across England, we at IBCcare are preparing to reopen for essential, urgent, or emergency cases. Even though we still do not have a specific date for reopening our doors, we would like to inform you of some changes that have been made to the way we work.
Your safety and, of course, your health is our greatest concern.
IBCcare shares common spaces with other practices. With that in mind, we would like to present to you the changes we are taking to minimise the risk to the public, patients, receptionists, and other personnel when entering and circulating around the building.
- Social distancing regulations will always be in operation throughout the common parts, with all building users required to maintain a physical distance of at least 2m. When you enter the building, you will notice that there will be signage, marker tape, floor mats and the relocation of some waiting room furniture. These changes are to maintain the social distancing rules.
- Further measures may include the installation of protective screens to the reception desk, installation of hold-open devices to fire doors and the reception doors will be designated one for entry and another for exit.
- Hygiene remains of paramount importance so hand sanitisers will be provided at entry points. Our cleaners will attend more frequently paying close attention to high contact areas such as door handles, handrails and sanitary fittings.
When we finally meet, we may look a little different as we are required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to help protect both you and ourselves. Following government guidelines, we will be wearing a face mask, visor, apron and gloves.
We will be upholding strict hygiene procedures. All surfaces which may have been touched by previous patients will be thoroughly wiped down with soap and water or appropriate sanitiser. We will also air the room for 15 minutes between patients.
We ask you to arrive just a few minutes before your appointment to minimise your waiting time in the common areas of the building. We will only call you in when our hygiene procedures have been properly carried out.
Where possible, please do book a video consultation rather than coming to see us. We can still give you excellent service: guidance and reassurance and a productive and proactive approach to your treatment.
We are hopeful that these measures will only be in place for the short term. None of us, of course, know how long this will be, so please do bear with us during this transitional period.
If you have any questions, please write to , or call us on 020 7792 4499 and we’ll be happy to help.